College Democrats of America Led by muslim caucus chairman hasan pyarali stands in solidarity with protests for peace at college campuses across the country

WASHINGTON D.C. - April 30, 2024 - This past week, we witnessed heroic actions on the part of students around the country to protest and sit in for an end to the war in Palestine and the release of the hostages. Since the beginning of this conflict, College Democrats and students from every walk of life have had the moral clarity to see this war for what it is: destructive, genocidal, and unjust. We stand with the broad and interfaith coalitions of students protesting at Columbia, Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Cornell, UNC, NYU, OSU, IU, MIT, UMich, WashU, Vanderbilt, UT Austin, USC, UCLA, Barnard, Emerson, Emory, Tufts, Northwestern and many other schools across the country in calling for an immediate permanent ceasefire, release of hostages, and a two-state solution where both Palestinians and Israelis can live side by side in peace. There is nothing more American than the right to protest peacefully for what is right. The freedom of speech, assembly, and protest is not just one enshrined in our constitution, but one that has been a tradition in America for generations, ranging from movements surrounding Civil Rights, the Vietnam War, LGBTQ equality, and more recently Climate Change. We commend the bravery of students across the country who have been willing to endure arrests, suspension, and threats of expulsion to stand up for the rights and dignity of the Palestinian people.

The end of the conflict and release of hostages is a goal we should all share as Americans in pursuit of a more just international community. The response to these protests by the college administrations, on the contrary, deserves the strongest condemnation. Arresting, suspending, and evicting students without any due process is not only legally dubious but morally reprehensible. College administrations need to protect students from all forms of hatred-Antisemitism and Islamophobia without impeding on the rights of students. Our position is clear: we stand with those protesting for peace and we find all calls for violence, such as those against Jewish and Muslim students, wrong; those spreading hate have no place in the movement for peace. In the weeks following October 7th, Antisemitism increased by 388% and Islamophobia increased by 216% on college campuses. College Democrats condemn the rise of hatred, as Jewish and Muslim students have no control over the ongoing conflict. With that being said, it should be made abundantly clear that calling for the freedom of Palestinians is not Antisemitic, and neither is opposing the genocidal acts of the far-right radical extremist Israeli government. We condemn those politicians, like MAGA Republicans and many other lawmakers for smearing all protestors as hateful; when according to reports, the overwhelming majority of protests are peaceful; we've witnessed the celebration of Passover, protection of those praying, as well as beautiful singing and dancing for peace together.

As College Democrats we are committed to the reelection of President Biden and Democrats across down-ballot races in every corner of our nation. However, as representatives of youth across the country, we reserve the right to criticize our own party when it fails to represent youth voices. As young voters, we are well aware that come November, our votes will determine who wins the White House. The White House has taken the mistaken route of a bear hug strategy for Netanyahu and a cold shoulder strategy for its own base and all Americans who want to see an end to this war. Each day that Democrats fail to stand united for a permanent ceasefire, two-state solution, and recognition of a Palestinian state, more and more youth find themselves disillusioned with the party. We reiterate our call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire and the release of all hostages. We support students' demands for divestment. We believe in a two-state solution with the immediate recognition of a Palestinian state. Additionally, we plan on utilizing every tool at our disposal to ensure student's safety and right to protest on all college campuses. For those who have been unjustly suspended, arrested, or feel unsafe, we stand in solidarity with you. To those in college administrations and elected office who seek to silence their students and abandon those who feel unsafe, know this: "True peace is not merely the absence of tension: It is the presence of justice." - MLK

This statement was written after consulting with students associated with Columbia College Democrats,

Yale College Democrats, as well as student activists at New York University and Indiana University.

College Democrats of America is the official student arm of the Democratic National Committee.

We strive to advocate for Democratic values on college campuses across

the country. We provide the necessary tools to both give college students a voice in the

political process and to amplify the voice of the next generation of progressive

activists. We are passionate college students dedicated to electing Democrats up and

down the ballot through positive messaging, campaigning, and activism.