WASHINGTON D.C. - September 6th, 2024: The College Democrats of America join the Nation in mourning the tragic loss of four young lives and the injuries of many others following the devastating school shooting at Apalachee High School on September 4, 2024. Once again, our schools and communities bear the brunt of a recurring horror that has become all too common in the United States. Until we take immediate and sweeping action, this cycle of gun violence will continue to claim innocent lives. As College Democrats, we call on Congress to pass gun reform and protect our students. 

Yesterday’s shooting claimed the lives of four innocent children, a tragedy that no Nation should permit to repeat. And yet, the United States alone continues to allow it. We must honor the memories of the victims and provide peace of mind to the millions of children who return to school unsure if they will be safe. Sensible gun reform is not only necessary–but long overdue.

In the coming days, we will demand that our elected officials continue to pursue sensible gun legislation. The power of the gun lobby and organizations like the National Rifle Association should no longer hold sway over policies that endanger our communities. While recent progress has been made, including monumental legislation like the 2022 Bipartisan Safer Communities Act and the red flag laws enacted by various Democratic governors, too many Republican politicians still hide behind fear-mongering and inaction.

We will not accept this complacency. If moral duty is not enough to sway those in power, we will organize, build pressure, and vote them out of office. Our generation will not forget, nor forgive, those who fail to act during this crisis. 

Many of our members are survivors of mass shootings, and as a new school year begins, so too does the painful reality that more of us may join them. Our frustration is immense, but let’s be clear: that frustration is not to be confused with defeat. Our hearts are with the families of the four Apalachee High School students who were taken far too soon. To them, to every highschooler, middle schooler, elementary student, college student, and every other person at risk in their communities, we promise that we will never give up the fight.

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