who is cda
The College Democrats of America is the official collegiate arm of the Democratic National Committee.

The College Democrats of America represents thousands of college students across the United States and territories. Our mission is to organize on college campuses across the nation in order to get Democrats elected in local, state, and federal elections. Our over 100,000 members are leaders at their schools, in their communities, and all over their states, all while maintaining their studies. The College Democrats of America seek to advocate for issues that affect young people. We aim to increase youth voter turnout in every state. Nationally, we represent college students in the Democratic Party.
“The organization shall exist to support the philosophy and purpose of the Democratic Party and shall support efforts to increase the participation of college and university students in the Party. The organization shall educate students about the Democratic Party and its values, work with Democrats across the country to achieve the goals of the organization and the Party, and work to introduce and integrate more students into the political process”
- CDA Bylaws, Article II, Section I
The CDA Bylaws are the rules and procedures that lay out how we conduct business and go about our meetings. There are a lot of rules that help keep the Executive Board in check while ensuring that delegates have the freedom to make this organization their own.
Request An Endorsement
Are you a candidate seeking the endorsement of College Democrats of America? If so, look no further than the present page! Linked below is our Candidate Endorsement Form. Responses will be reviewed via the Political Affairs Department and forwarded to the National Executive Board for final approval. Once we’ve made a decision, our communications department will reach back out and notify you of the next steps!
The College Democrats of America are committed to supporting progressive candidates who harbor a similar vision to youthful democrats across the country. We firmly believe that the election of proponents of sustainable climate policy, LGBTQ+ equality, abortion rights, voting accessibility, a livable wage, and readily available healthcare to all levels of government is a step in the right direction. So, whether you’re gunning for local or federal office, please reach out if you share our priorities.
meet the leaders