College Democrats of America call for Inquiry on “Interference” in New Jersey Senate Endorsement.

WASHINGTON D.C. - January 17th, 2024 - The College Democrats of America are deeply disturbed by the intimidation tactics employed by a major candidate and someone working for both the candidate and the state party to stall the endorsement of Andy Kim in the New Jersey Senate Democratic Primary. We stand in solidarity with the brave members of the New Jersey College Democrats of America who were subjected to these tactics and commend their courage in speaking out against such egregious behavior. As young leaders, we believe that our political discourse must rise above petty tactics and must be centered on the needs of the people we serve. We must be better than this if we hope to inspire a new generation of voters and build a more just and equitable society. The allegations of intimidation and interference in the endorsement process are deeply troubling and must be thoroughly investigated. We call on the Democratic National Committee to launch an immediate inquiry into what happened between the state party and the Murphy campaign and to take swift action to hold those responsible accountable for their actions. The College Democrats of America remain committed to fighting for a better future and to ensuring that all voices are heard in our democratic process. We will not be intimidated or silenced by those who seek to undermine our values and our vision for a more just and equitable world.

College Democrats of America is the official student arm of the Democratic National Committee.

We strive to advocate for Democratic values on college campuses across

the country. We provide the necessary tools to both give college students a voice in the

political process and to amplify the voice of the next generation of progressive

activists. We are passionate college students dedicated to electing Democrats up and

down the ballot through positive messaging, campaigning, and activism.