WASHINGTON D.C. - June 15th, 2024 - Due to twice-impeached and convicted former President Donald Trump fulfilling his promise to appoint extreme conservatives to the court, the Supreme Court struck down a ban on bump stocks. Every day, more than 120 people are killed by guns, and allowing bump stocks to remain easily accessible further exacerbates this problem. As College Democrats we've experienced first hand the horrors of our nation’s gun violence epidemic, ducking and covering amidst both during drills and the presence of active shooters. Hence, we're proud to be a part of the party committed to ending gun violence. We ardently condemn the Supreme Court for its decision to allow weapons of war to proliferate within our borders.

Electing President Biden in November is crucial to preventing Donald Trump from having another opportunity to nominate a far-right Supreme Court Justice, one who could significantly alter the trajectory of this country far beyond his presidential term. In order to ensure the highest levels of our government harbor the best interests of our generation for decades to come, young Americans must show up to the polls in November. This election isn't about Trump and Biden, it's about the very future of our generation.

College Democrats of America is the official student arm of the Democratic National Committee.

We strive to advocate for Democratic values on college campuses across

the country. We provide the necessary tools to both give college students a voice in the

political process and to amplify the voice of the next generation of progressive

activists. We are passionate college students dedicated to electing Democrats up and

down the ballot through positive messaging, campaigning, and activism.