WASHINGTON D.C. - June 22nd, 2024 - Today, College Democrat clubs from across the University of California system and their partners at the California College Democrats, and College Democrats of America stand in solidarity with the UAW 4811 as they strike in defense of free speech, peaceful protest & collective action. Such protests are a direct response to the UCs’ violent suppression of their faculty and students peacefully protesting for a more just international community in each of their nine undergraduate campuses; students armed with nothing more than signs, chants, and moral clarity were met with pepper spray, batons and riot shields. As the national, statewide, and UC-wide collegiate arms of the Democratic Party, we condemn the University of California’s failure to protect student safety while they exercise their rights to free speech as well as the arbitrary legal, academic, and financial charges poised against them. We join the UAW 4811 in calling for an end to the UC’s escalation against student and faculty protests, a commitment to protect the rights and safety of students and faculty as they practice their rights to freedom of speech and assembly on campus, and the dropping of all charges currently held against peaceful protestors.

It must be acknowledged that the present state of faculty relations with the University and the UAW 4811’s subsequent strike authorization vote did not happen overnight, nor have the instances of unfair labor practices been isolated to singular UC campuses. Instead, the University of California, across all nine undergraduate campuses, has instigated and escalated tensions with faculty and students alike as they exercise their freedom of speech rights in calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and divestment from companies profiting from and complicit with war crimes and human suffering. At campuses like UC San Diego, UC Irvine, UCLA, UC Santa Barbara, and most recently, UC Santa Cruz, administrators have acted extrajudicially and without faculty senate support to violently disperse encampments run peacefully by students, faculty, and union members. Notably, at UC Santa Cruz, administrators called upon police agencies from numerous other UCs and outside jurisdictions to arrest and eject protestors. These actions demonstrate a continued willing and deliberate effort on behalf of the university system to subvert the best interests of their faculty and trounce on their protected speech as delineated by federal and state law.

Internally, the UC has taken numerous steps to unilaterally change University rules and code of conduct surrounding workplace speech without prior consultation with the union or opportunity to negotiate as required by law and agreements. Similarly, an additional measure to restrict faculty departments from issuing opinionated statements is being considered by the UC Board of Regents. We firmly believe that faculty and staff have the right to freedom of speech and expression within the workplace, and we commend the UAW 4811 in their efforts to stand up for these principles.

We reiterate our calls for a lasting ceasefire and an end to hostilities in Gaza and stand with faculty, students, community partners, and union members in calling on our elected, academic, and party leaders to hear these demands. As many students leave campus for the summer, we remain unified, undeterred, and committed in our support of this movement and will continue to demand accountability from our University leaders.

Together in Solidarity,

Bruin Democrats at UCLA

Cal Berkeley Democrats

Davis College Democrats

UC Santa Barbara Campus Democrats

UC Santa Cruz College Democrats

College Democrats at UC San Diego

UC Merced College Democrats

College Democrats at UC Irvine

College Democrats at UC Riverside

California College Democrats

College Democrats of America

College Democrats of America is the official student arm of the Democratic National Committee.

We strive to advocate for Democratic values on college campuses across

the country. We provide the necessary tools to both give college students a voice in the

political process and to amplify the voice of the next generation of progressive

activists. We are passionate college students dedicated to electing Democrats up and

down the ballot through positive messaging, campaigning, and activism.