College Democrats of America call for House Republicans to pass bipartisan border reform immediately.

WASHINGTON D.C. - March 8th, 2024 - The College Democrats of America are calling on House Republicans to pass the Bipartisan Senate National Security Agreement immediately to secure our southern border, expand executive powers, and support overall immigration.

The House Republicans have chosen politics over people—all at the expense of the American people. This is not new for the Republican party. Last month, Governor Abbott clearly defied not only the United States Supreme Court but the people of Texas by refusing to remove unethical razor wire at the border wall and provide adequate aid for migrants. Frustratingly, the Governor refused to allow state medical assistance for migrants resulting in the death of a woman and two children. We not only find that situation to be an abhorrent abuse of power but yet another reason why we must simplify immigration infrastructure and provide humanitarian aid at the border.

While we do not believe that this particular bill will solve the underlying challenges of immigration, we fundamentally believe—as Democrats—that our elected leaders must recognize our nation’s history and improve accessibility to immigration. The bill will not only expedite the process of work authorization but raise the annual cap on immigrant visas to 250,000 over 5 years, according to the White House. We acknowledge that this bill falls short in a number of aspects; however, we strongly encourage House Republicans to join this bipartisan effort to reform our border policies. With immigration being a key issue for Democrats during the upcoming election, we stand with President Biden and Vice President Harris in their efforts to strengthen our immigration infrastructure.

As college students, we care about the safety and security of our country — and we most deeply care about our country’s longstanding commitment to immigration. We, the College Democrats of America, demand that House Republicans move forward with the bipartisan border reform bill for the safety, security, and future of the American people.

College Democrats of America is the official student arm of the Democratic National Committee.

We strive to advocate for Democratic values on college campuses across

the country. We provide the necessary tools to both give college students a voice in the

political process and to amplify the voice of the next generation of progressive

activists. We are passionate college students dedicated to electing Democrats up and

down the ballot through positive messaging, campaigning, and activism.